Juggling Life with Joy!

Juggling Life with Joy!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I HAVE A PRAISE!!!!!!!!!!

I honestly believe that right before our eyes that a miracle from our Father occured to us last week. It is my pleasure to tell you all that my mother....

DOES NOT HAVE MS!!!!!!!!!!

It is such a blessing to hear this. Last week when my mother went back to her neurologist to find out her form of treatment and what the results of her spinal tap was. Less than two months from that appointment her regular doctor confirmed that she had it. But after her spinal tap the specialist said that all of her symptons were due to when she had diabetes. (She no longer has diabetes due to her losing weight from gastric bypass.) There were no lesions on her brain, but what they saw was cholesterol. The numbness in her feet is due to a condition called neuropathy that is caused from diabetes. She will have to take a medicine that will make the numbness subside.

Without a doubt, I know prayer works.....

I was sent a devotional the other day from a friend. She sent us an email asking for prayer for her son and some issues going on with him physically. We all worry about our kids, families, etc...But, one of her friends who responded to her email touched my heart so strongly. I don't know her, but have heard her story. She is about my age and her husband died in front of her due to a brain aneryusm. They have three very small children. But she stated this in her response to my friend's worries......
 Jesus wrote it to the readers.

Entrust your loved ones to Me release them into My protective care. They are much safer with Me than in your clinging hands. When you release your loved ones to Me you are free to cling to My hand. As you entrust others into My care I am free to shower blessings on them. My Presence will go with them wherever they go and I will give them rest. This same Presence stays with you Ss you relax and place your trust in Me. Watch to see what I will do.

Genesis 22:9-12 ephesians 3:20 and exodus 33:14

Wow, is all I can say. It is so true. I have a hard time "releasing" my kids, finances, ministry, marriage, health, my dad's cancer, my mom's worries, my brother, my sister in law, friends, job, in my Father's hands. They are so much safer in His hands than mine...

I just wanted to say this. Everyday, no matter where we are people are suffering with something. Life is hard. Here lately, it seems like so many friends, family and sometimes strangers I talk to are dealing with a trial. This devotional that was sent to my friend has touched me more than anything this week. I hope this is an encouragement to you.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Our Hope Endures....

Natalie Grant is by far probably my favorite female contemporary artist. In church when I sing specials I sing a lot of her music. In Jan., before my dad was diagnosed with cancer, and mom with MS I sung this song. In fact I sung it the Sunday right after the Jan.12th earthquake in Haiti...

Little did I know at the time how much this song would minister to me in the next few months. I can't listen to it now without crying. You know in our life we are not promised a carefree life. Sometimes when it rains it pours as the saying goes. But Christ, is our hope! I hear people say often that God will never give you more than you can handle. But that is not true...it never says that in the Bible. Sometimes we are given things in life that we can't handle, but it is those times that we are to totally lean on God...

For example...
Without Christ...I would not have recovered from losing our third child, Bailey Chandler. That was a very dark and lonely depressing time in our life. Thankfully, by trusting in my Lord, I slowly was able to pull myself out of that pit. At the time, I didn't know that I was going to use that piece of my life to minister to other women who lost a child through miscarriage. But God knew..We are broken at times in our life to realize we need Him to fix the pieces. He knows the whole picture of our life. We only see a few of the pieces. We may not always understand why we have to endure life with pain and suffering. It is to make us closer to Him. One baby step at a time...Our Hope endures...

Without Christ. I can do NOTHING. With Christ. ALL Things are POSSIBLE.

Enjoy the song...Reflect on the words...
P.S. Scroll down to the bottom of my page and cut the music already playing on my wall so you can hear this song!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Updates, Updates...

Well I am still here at the Outer Banks spending time with my parents. So far, everything has been wonderful. We do miss Hilton not being here, but soon he will be joining us and we can't wait!!!!!!!
Anyway, just to let everyone know, dad has finished his 2nd round of chemo...only 6 more to go!!!!! This round was a little more harsh on his body. He has been weak and nauseated. He is also very sensitive to cold water, cold drinks, etc. He says it feels like he is being electrocuted if he washes his hands in cold water. It was also sad to see that he can't have ice cream right now. Last month that was his only "cold" thing he could have, and we have been going to Sonic every night to get their Sonic Blast. Hopefully soon though he will be able to withstand it again.

On another note, I have really enjoyed cooking and cleaning and running errands for my parents. We also joined the Y here at the Outer Banks to take advantage of the water park there. Don't worry we only joined for a month! lol! Didn't want any of you back in Salem to worry if I was taking up pemanent residence here. We joined because the jelly fish have been horrible...They have taken over the beach!!! Hopefully, soon they will go away, but the kids were not getting in the ocean..so we go to the water park and play.

I don't have my regular computer so I can't post pics right now, but believe me, I am taking lots and will share as soon as I get my computer back!

Hope you all are having a wonderful summer!